HJC Full-Face Helmet F70 Mago Fluo 2020

Full-Face Helmet F70 Mago Fluo 2020

SKU: HJC152574

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Product Description HJC Full-Face Helmet F70 Mago Fluo 2020

HJC F70 Mago is a complete motorcycle helmet from the sports touring segment. It is aerodynamic, comes with an aggressive design and is very accessorized. What improvements does this model bring? Does this helmet fit me? We try to answer all your questions. Ultra-light materials, airflow, sunglasses, cheek sponges prepared with emergency removal system, antibacterial interior with fast drying properties and completely detachable, friendly helmet for eyeglass purifiers, Double D closure and last but not least weight low. HJC raises the stakes of the game with this mega accessorized headset that used only premium materials and gadgets. You can find everything in detail in the description below. The outer casing is made of fiberglass, a state-of-the-art material that offers you not only a very high level of protection, but also a low weight. Much more refined and with a more aggressive look is the venom from the sports touring category. It comes in two sizes of the XS-M and L-XXL outer casing, and with six sizes on the inside. You can choose from XS to XXL. It is an AIRFLOW helmet, which on hot summer days will provide the ventilation you need through the six generous air intakes located on the chin, forehead and behind the helmet. The upper air intakes can be operated in two positions: closed open to adjust your air level as preferentially as possible. This F70 model comes with two air intakes on the chin, both of which can be operated closed-open individually. The grooves dug inside the inner housing allow air to flow from the front to the rear. Your head is perfectly ventilated, moisture is removed, and you can enjoy and concentrate on the road. The inner sunglasses are anti-fog treated and are easily operated by a button that slides back and forth, located on the left side of the helmet. If you want to use sunglasses simply push the button back. If you don't need them anymore, push the button forward. Sunglasses help some people focus better on the road when the sunlight is very strong. The glasses drive system is a premium, cable-based one. The visor is operated from the sides, having that corner from where you can catch it to lift it both on the left and on the right. It is easy to operate and tightens very well on the cheder. On the long run, this aspect can be very useful because it reduces noise. Although the fastening system is screwed, it can be removed very quickly to clean or change it. The visor comes prepared with mounting pins for Pinlock, an efficient system in case of bad weather, which stops or delays the steaming of the visor. Premium antibacterial interior is very comfortable, wear-resistant and completely detachable, which makes it very easy to wash. The materials used are breathable. That is, even if you do not use a hood and sweat directly in it, it is very ventilated and dries quickly, a very effective system that does not let you sit with your head wet. The side sponges have a shape that leads to touring, not to super sports, which makes them much more comfortable on the long road. You do not want to sit with your cheeks crushed and pressed and prone to bites during a 12-hour journey. But the best thing about them is that they have an emergency removal system. In case of an accident, they can be removed in a second by extracting them very quickly, leaving a lot of free space to slide your head out of the helmet. Thus, the chances of injury to the cervix caused by the wrong extraction of the helmet decrease drastically. The material at the base of the helmet is non-slip, so if you leave your helmet on, the chances of it slipping and falling on the floor are very small. Another useful thing, the helmet is easy to use if you have glasses. That is, the shape of the inner sponges has been redesigned so that you can put on your glasses without any problems. Other headphones have this advantage, but the HJC has perfected it. How? The material in the area where the glasses slide is very slippery, so you can put on your eyeglasses or sunglasses easily, without fighting life and death with every equipment and disassembly. The F70 Mago comes factory equipped with an air deflector for the chin, which reduces the noise level in the helmet, which is very useful when you go a long way. It also comes with an air deflector for the nose (your visor will steam much harder because you no longer breathe directly on it), plus you have a more mysterious air because your whole face is no longer visible. On the inside, on the sides, near the ears, we have a special cut-out made to allow us to mount the speakers from an intercom time communication system. Compatible with large and high-performance speakers such as Sena or Cardo. In the back (neck area) the helmet has a special place where you can mount a dedicated intercom from HJC. What it has in addition to many other headphones: in the speaker area it has dug a ditch through which it pulls the strings from the speakers. These wires are very fragile and you can easily cut them with a clip from the side sponges when you do the installation. The closure of the helmet is made with the safest system on the market, namely Double D. It is very easy to use, pass the strap through the two rings D, turn through the first ring D and blink. Stop thinking. Choose your favorite design and enjoy the road with a carefully built and finished helmet. The most important technical details of the HJC F70 Mago model: Compact, light and aerodynamic outer casing, in 2 dimensions Construction: fiberglass casing for increased resistance Efficient ventilation system through 2 chin sockets that close open, upper ventilation and extractors back for air circulation and moisture extraction from the interior Integrated sunglasses, easy to operate, anti-fog treated Visor, although it is fastened with a screw, it is replaced quickly. The fastening system is a simple and elegant Cheeks with quick removal system in case of accident Premium Multicool interior, completely detachable and washable, antibacterial treated, absorbs perspiration and dries quickly Viewfinder HJ-32 prepared by Pinlock Pinlock included The construction of the interior allows you to wear glasses sun view Closing racing Double D ECE approval 22.05 The helmet comes prepared with cutouts in the ear area for the intercom speakers. In addition, it is ready for the installation of a dedicated intercom from HJC: SMART HJC Bluetooth. Attention, it comes with a clear visor! The smoky visor can be purchased from the Accessories section.


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About HJC

HJC este un brand sud-coreean specializat in productia de casti pentru motociclism, sporturi cu motor si biciclete. Fondata in 1971, compania si-a construit reputatia pe baza designului inovator, calitatii si tehnologiilor avansate.

HJC produce o gama larga de casti pentru motociclism, sporturi cu motor si biciclete, inclusiv casti integrale, casti open-face si casti modulare. Produsele lor sunt realizate din materiale de inalta calitate, cum ar fi fibra de sticla, carbonul si poliesterul, si sunt proiectate pentru a oferi protectie, confort si performanta maxima pentru utilizatori.

Brandul HJC este cunoscut pentru inovatia si tehnologia sa avansata, precum sistemul de ventilare avansat, vizierele cu protectie UV si sistemul de schimbare rapida a vizierei. Produsele lor sunt utilizate de sportivi de performanta si de motociclisti profesionisti din intreaga lume si sunt recunoscute pentru nivelul ridicat de protectie, confort si performanta pe care le ofera.

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