Dainese Textile Lady Moto Jacket Smart Black 23

Textile Lady Moto Jacket Smart Black 23

SKU: 202D20039-001

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Product Description

Product Description Dainese Textile Lady Moto Jacket Smart Black 23


The most advanced Dainese D-air® airbag technology used in MotoGP™ in a versatile vest for women that fits any motorcycle rider.


The Smart Jacket can be worn over or under any other jacket or outfit and it requires no connection with the motorcycle, plus it is well-ventilated and is easily foldable. It combines all the power of the latest-generation Dainese D-air® and the convenience of a garment with a thousand uses. All the safety of the Dainese airbag system used in MotoGP™ and developed in more than 25 years of research on the road and track is now encapsulated in a convenient vest that fits any road situation. The Smart Jacket monitors what’s happening around the motorcycle rider 1,000 times a second. It always deploys the Shield when necessary, and only then, to provide the rider with maximum protection. We’ve never had this level of freedom before and we’ll never be without it again.


Abrasion resistant, tear-resistant and anti-pilling
Rechargeable battery up to 26 hours
Sensor waterproofness


Integrated vest, wearable over or under a motorcycle garment
Waist Adjustable System


D-air® airbag system


Ventilated and Breathable




DOLOMITICERT procedural guideline (2016/425) - Level 1 back airbag (EN 1621-4 CB L1)
DOLOMITICERT procedural guideline (2016/425) - Level 2 chest airbag (EN 1621-4 L2)
DPI (2016/425)


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About Dainese

Dainese este un brand italian specializat in productia de echipamente de protectie pentru sporturile cu motor, cum ar fi motociclismul si sporturile de iarna. Fondat in 1972 de catre Lino Dainese, un pilot de motociclism, brandul Dainese a inceput prin productia de echipamente de protectie pentru motociclism si s-a extins ulterior pentru a include si echipamente de protectie pentru alte sporturi cu motor, cum ar fi schiul si snowboarding-ul. Produsele Dainese sunt cunoscute pentru calitatea si performanta lor, precum si pentru inovatia si tehnologia avansata utilizata in procesul de productie. Compania lucreaza indeaproape cu piloti si sportivi de top din industrie pentru a dezvolta si testa produsele sale si este recunoscuta pentru designul si stilul lor unic. Astazi, Dainese este un nume de referinta in industria de echipamente de protectie pentru sporturile cu motor si este foarte popular in randul celor care isi doresc produse de inalta calitate si performanta pentru a se proteja in timpul activitatilor sportive.

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